Welcome to the WMG Internal Pages site

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How to edit content

Click on the login button below to access the login screen. Once logged in, press the collections button at the bottom of the screen to access the various collections. A collection is a group of related items, e.g. staff names on reception staff board, news items for the waiting rooms TV etc.

Select the collection you want and either add, edit or archive items as required.

Specific Info

For the waiting room TV updates, use the location selector to identify which practice the update should show on. All news is entered centrally, so this selector is how you tell the system which TV to show it on.

A similar model is in place for staff, as you need to use different toggles to show whether a practitioner is working at JMC or TMC.

These approaches lay the ground work for the same types of displays at both sites which can be centrally updated.